Friday, 5 April 2013

GOLD Restaurant by Dolce and Gabbana, Milan

The power of the brand is constantly growing, developing and evolving in our modern day society. As a marketer, it’s an idea that intrigues me particularly when explored in relation to events and hospitality. So a restaurant built with a concept to combine a luxurious fashion brand with Italian cuisine is in my opinion, worth jet-setting for.    

In 2006, Dolce and Gabbana opened ‘GOLD’ a multi-purpose restaurant, bar, bistro and nightclub in Milan. “We’re not about minimalism, we’re massimalismo,” is the opinion of Stefano Gabbana and in this instance he cannot be argued with. True to its name, everything (and I mean everything... toilet seats included) is gleaming gold. GOLD oozes luxury, beauty and classicism. The presentation of their vintage Sicilian menu serves fashion on a gold platter. Cutlery, menus, glasses, chocolates... everything is branded with their platinum D&G GOLD  logo. A dinner for fashionistas, dine here knowing you’re in glamorous company, the Beckhams, Ana Wintour, the Kardashians, Scarlett Johansson and Claudia Shiffer have all rested their derrieres here. I went along with my own bella italiana and fabulous friends, and had an truly unforgettable evening. 

Ti amo Milano e ti adoro Gold! 

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